Hello My Fellow Comedy Clansmen!
Thursday, Aug. 9th, marks our last show for the year 2018. The Warehouse emphasizes football from September till the Superbowl on the second Sunday of February. But we will be back on Thursday, Feb. 21st, and every second Thursday thereafter with new shows and a new featured charity.
Even though our monthly show at The Warehouse is on hiatus, we still have our weekly workshop on Saturdays at Melody Bar and Grill at 2pm. Read more about it on the website.
Those of us who make up Serving Up Comedy want to thank everyone who came out to see our shows on 2018. We had a great year in attendance, and because of your kind hearts, we did pretty well bringing in a few dollars to give to our featured charity. Serving Up Comedy will match dollar for dollar, and every dollar donated (100%) goes to the cause. Two hundred percent, actually, because it’s doubled. Spread the laughter; spread the love.
Come out to our last show, so that we may look you in the eyes and say, “Till we see you again.”